Central Park Coaching

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Top 10 Running Questions & Answers #7

A: Treating the recovery portion of your training as equally important as the active portion will give you the best odds at staying injury free. Think of it as a 50:50 split. That means easy days are easy. You invest in recovery gear: ice packs, roam roller, yoga stretch strap, compression boots, massages, etc. AND you use them liberally. You follow best practices whenever possible like the 10% rule - only increasing weekly mileage by 10% each week with the fourth week being a pullback week before starting another 3 week 10% progression. Keeping track of the mileage in your running shoes and replacing every 250-350 miles. Keeping your Long Runs to 20-30% of your weekly mileage, and don’t ignore little niggles, aches, and pains - treat them immediately.