Central Park Coaching

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Pronation: Do you need expensive Structured Running Shoes

Short answer: probably not

I recently shot a video to show one of my runners the pronation (inward roll of the foot and ankle joint during ground strike) in her running stride. Everyone has some degree of it as it’s the normal response to absorb the shock of running. Severe over-pronation or under-pronation can lead to issues over time if not addressed.

The slowed down video revealed what I had seen while she was running - a normal pronation with a little bit more on the right side but nothing excessive, yet she was constantly sold overpriced structured shoes because she was told she over-pronated. I was not surprised.

From RunnersWorld Sept. 15th 2022: *(For years), “structured” running shoes were marketed as a way to counteract your level of pronation and prevent injury and were pushed by running shoe store workers (price point typically being higher than neutral shoes) but more recent research suggests that shoes chosen simply by which felt the most comfortable were also the most efficient and best at reducing injury. Because of this, (thankfully) the major running brands have since abandoned that strategy and now focus on shoes that feel comfortable to you.*

Let’s hope, but it doesn’t seem to me that all of the running shoe stores have gotten the message.