Central Park Coaching

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2022 NYC Running Year in Review & beyond

Happy New Year! At the close of 2022, I’m filled with reflection, gratitude, and joy. It will be my 15th year as a full-time coach in NYC and the weight of this isn’t lost on me. Getting let go from Citi in 2008 after the financial crisis turned out to be a true blessing in disguise. At the time, filled with dread, I started coaching part-time while working at a running shoe store on the UES, thinking I’d return to a Wall St. firm as soon as possible. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be here today - in 2023 - counting my blessings each day that I found coaching and all the wonderful people I’d meet along the way (many of whom I hope are reading this now). I couldn’t have imaged a better profession for me or dreamed of all the different directions and outlets it would take me.

Over the years, going back to 1998 - the year I started running competitively, I’ve seen the NYC running scene change dramatically. Some of the outsized trends and remarkable happenings include: the coming and going of great runners and club teams; the corporatization of club teams including major sponsorship deals; the remarkable growth of the NYRR and emergence of a valid competitor - NYCRUNS; the goodbye of a few long time local running shoe stores; the opening of world class track facilities: Icahn Stadium & Ocean Breeze; the Millrose Games move from Madison Square Garden to the Armory; the overall proliferation of new runners and clubs; running-related podcasts; the advent of ‘underground’ racing events; and so much more. Most of this points to the largest trend: growth. And Central Park Coaching has grown with it. 

I’m pleased to say 2022 was another good year for Central Park Coaching. Marked by a 12% YOY increase in website traffic and 5% YOY increase in training sessions. I’ve taken on larger roles as a established contributor to mainstream media articles (GQ, NYMag, SHAPE, etc.) providing expert running-related advice and work as a Running Technical Advisor working with photographer Carlos Serrao and New Balance. The new year will continue to bring change and growth I’m sure, and I plan on contributing to that as I have a few new things in store for 2023! So I’m excitedly working on that and looking forward to another year immersed in the NYC running community, filled with joy and gratitude.